electronic circuit design laboratory tests (third edition)

jenny garcia17as
2 min readFeb 16, 2021



paperback. Condition: New. Ship out in 2 business day, And Fast shipping, Free Tracking number will be provided after the shipment.Paperback. Pages Number: 421 Publisher: Huazhong Pub. Date :2008–03–01. This book is the general higher education 15 national planning materials. is based on the second revised edition of the complete. The second edition of 95 four-level key materials. and in 2002 won the national second prize of outstanding teaching universities and colleges. The book is 11 chapters. 1 to 4 for the basic experiment. Chapter 1 introduces the basic theory of measurement error and experimental data processing of the basic method; Chapter 2 describes the crystal diodes. transistors. MOS field effect transistor and the integrated operational amplifier device performance parameters of the test methods. and basic application circuit; first Chapter 3 describes the integration of logic gates. integrated flip-flop. IC 555 and the combination of small and medium-scale logic circuits and sequential logic circuits and other performance parameters. the basic logic test and application circuit design methods. Chapter 4 describes the OrCAD9.2 version of the operating methods of teaching software and 12 low-frequency circuits. digital logic circuits. high-frequency circuits. mixed analog-digital circuit simulation examples. 5 to 7 were low-frequency circuits….



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